Building and living in Fantasy Worlds is a survival strategy. This means that it was necessary for you to use those fantasy worlds to survive. This is neither good nor bad. It just is. Welcome to reality.
Fantasy Worlds are a much more common survival strategy than you might think. Everyone is running around with some kind of fantasy. Fantasy Worlds are a strategy to protect you from reality. Probably, as a child, you had needs that went unmet. In order to escape from the pain of having these unmet needs, you retreated into Fantasy Worlds. You created a second, third, fourth, fifth pseudo-reality, each one subtly different and meeting a different need.
Not all of these Fantasy Worlds are unicorns and cotton candy. Some are dark, gritty, disturbing. The only defining characteristic of of a Fantasy World is that it you have located yourself somewhere else other than reality. It means you are not in the Small Now.
You imagine that your next article will be so great that all of your friends will share it with their friends and you will have one hundred new subscribers in a week. This is a Fantasy World.
You imagine that your Bridge House will be so successful that it will become a fountain of Archiarchy in your region, naturally and with no work at all. This is a Fantasy World.
You imagine as you walk through the city streets at night that behind every corner is some man waiting to rob you and kill you. This is a Fantasy World.
You imagine that all of your friends secretly hate you, that they cannot wait until you are gone to laugh at you. This is a Fantasy World.
You imagine that you have no Fantasy Worlds, that you are totally in reality one hundred percent of the time. This is probably a Fantasy World.
It is up to you to discover how much you live in fantasy. Are you ready to come back to reality?
Warning: Being in a Fantasy World protects you from reality, but there is a price to pay. When you come back to reality, you will start to feel and not be able to avoid looking at the consequences of modern culture.
You might discover this overhwhelming desire for a next culture, for a different culture that is not killing the planet. You might no longer be able to ignore the anger you have about the world and the desecration of Gaia, our planet Earth. You may not be able to pretend anymore that you do not care.
You will lose the ability to say “It's not so bad.” Outside of the Fantasy Worlds, the pain of trying to pretend will become like fire cutting through your bodies. Your numbness bar will go down. You will not be able to pretend to have patience for people if you do not have it.
You will not be able to adapt, without falling back into a Fantasy World. This does not mean that you automatically have discovered all your dimensions in which you adapt. Do not go into the next fantasy. Slowly, all these Fantasy Worlds will become visible, and you will recognise self-abuse and feel the impact of it. For the first time in this liquid state it helps to not think so much, just do. Do one thing after the other & keep feeling, keep beathing. Even if you cry longingly while using your physical body, let it happen. Do not stop.
To be able to get out of your fantasy worlds you need to build Inner Structure that is not based on survival. without inner structure which makes it possible structure that you to maintain in your body when "life is happening" you will not be able to get out of the fantasy worlds. Here are some exeriments to help you built inner structure:
First Experiment — Declaring Your Spaces:
Each space you enter, no matter with whom or what, you say out loud — using the power of declaration — what is happening right now. What is REALLY happening. Keep it simple.
Example: You are having a conversation where one person is listening and another person speaking. If you are the listener you say: “I am creating a space in which I am listening and you are speaking, unfolding possibilities.”
Declare all spaces, no matter if it is an underworld space of gossiping or a space of declaring possibilities. Say it as it is, without stories, without judgment.This experiment creates a reality check from within yourself about what you are really creating. Once you have that clarity, the fuzzy low drama stories your Gremlin makes up about the spaces you create cannot hook you anymore.
Second Experiment — Reality Check of Doing:Use your physical hands to create something from the beginning to the end. Choose a material like wood, clay or wool and use it to build a bench, chair, bedside table, scarf, pot, etc.
Do not use an already existing plan or pattern, instead make your own, use your tools and let the process nourish you. By doing so you get instant visible feedback if the move you are making is working or not — if you’re putting a nail into wooden boards, you will see right away if the nail is straight or not.
Third Experiment — 5-Minute-Cleaning:
Taking care of your physical space and creating Drala in your home creates the possibility of magic happening in your live. To learn how to calibrate physical energy while creating Drala, carry a watch with you and whenever you are in between things — resting, reading, cooking, writing an article, working, etc. — you take up to 5 minutes to do one task that you see in your physical space.
Does cleaning those cups take less than 5 minutes? Yes — go ahead and do it. No — does cleaning half the cups take less than 5 minutes? Yes — go ahead and do it.
After five minutes, you stop and move on to the thing that you want to do.This experiment helps calibrate your energy management: it teaches your system that creation doesn’t need to drain you. You will find out that there is always something “to do”, but if you hold space for it, it doesn’t run you over.
other parts to include:
"a new life - part about how it can go after starting to crash" - "examples of fantasies?" - "poems, pictures" -
"Potential is not fantasy but thinking that anybody will use their potential is fantasy."
The (Crashing of my) Fantasy World of Hope
After watching this S.T.A.R.R. please enter Matrix Code STARRSxx.14 in your free account at the game. ( S.T.A.R.R. stands for Startling Tales About Radical Responsibility. For more S.T.A.R.R.s, please visit
Looking into the Fantasy World of Hope
Things are not gonna change magically. Things do change all the time. There is a double edge to Hope.
On one side, Hope is what you count on when things are not what you expected them to be and you hope that in the future it'll be different.
On the other side, Hope is the change that you want to see in the world. Both of them are things created from nothing.
More specifically Hope is created from assumptions and expectations of what the world is and isn't or should or shouldn't be like. In this video I discovered that Hope is ingrained so deeply inside of the programming of my Thoughtware, that it was quite the liquid maneuver to talk about it.
I noticed that it has its own self defense mechanism, that I couldn't touch it without touching what I considered "myself", which revealed a part of my box or my survival strategy. I discovered that Hope is a doorway to liquid state and growing consciousness when used with the context of Radical Responsibility.
From this point of origin, "hope" distills into love, transformation, change, clarity about my life's purpose, depending on what time cycle im in (present moment, minute cycle, daily cycle, weekly cycle, monthly cycle, yearly cycle, lifetime cycle).
When I use Hope as a victim, or when hope is solid/fixed/crystalized, I'm avoiding responsibility because I'm letting something else other than myself here and now open up to discover what that Hope is.
STARR - The (Crashing of my) Fantasy World of Hope by Anne-Chloe
Box Technology
Hope, Nostalgia, Denial, Obsession, Projections, Complaining, Expectations, Positionality, Lying, Reasons, Beliefs, Prejudices, Justifications, Numbness, Resentment, Assumptions, Conclusions, Deception, Dark Secrets, Blame, Melancholy, Recklessness, Irresponsibility, Guilt, Hubris, Arrogance, Superiority, Depression, Exclusivity, Self Cannibalism, Shame, Aggression, Really Good Reasons, Despair, Worry, Revenge...
All of these and more are building-block Elements of Fantasy Worlds.
"What's your poison?" asks the bartender as you saunter up to the counter at the Fantasy World Bar. "We have it all for you, on tap! And we take credit cards!"
Candyland by Markus Bork
You can or you can't, what's that for a land?
where ideas, beliefs and thoughts get all your power,
while your life just takes cold showers.At least, if you'd be around when your life is taking them
you would be woken up shivering with endless could feel your fear more consciously
your rage more fierce
your joy with piercing pierce
your sadness filling deeply listening earsyes, you could. But it's your life taking showers cold,
not you. While you tell yourself, 'I could be bold'.I wonder if what you 'can' I will once see
or will it stay in a world of fantasy?Yes, you can or you can't. And It's all candyland!
Fabulous Experiments to get out of Fantasy Worlds!
Matrix Code FANTASYW.01
The Experiment is simple, and scary. Bring yourself and your Beep! Book to your Posibility Team (or to some other awake and dangerous group of people) and ask for a half hour of group intelligence time to write down without question what other people estimate and perceive the Fantasy Worlds that your life is built around. For example, here are some domains you can look into:
• About the reality of politics• About having enough money or not
• About being beautiful or not
• About being a good person or not
• About being friends with your friends
• About your parents and childhood being good or bad
• About whether you have a nice house or not
• About what career you should be doing
• About your 10 year life plan• Your retirement plans
• About how your parenting is going
Ask your team what they perceive. The result will be a long list of possible Fantasy World bubbles that you have been living inside of for a good part of your life. Please note that a Fantasy World is not good or bad or right or wrong. It is a survival strategy and since you survived, the Fantasy World has served its purpose. The question arising now; is it now time for you to let go of a Fantasy World and enter reality, the place that you can actually take your next steps from?
After completing this experiment, please register the Matrix Code FANTASYW.01 in your free account at This experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code FANTASYW.02
A number of people, especially people doing Healing and Transformational work, carry a Fantasy World that, after enough Healing and Initiation and Transformation, they will arrive at this point where everything is okay. The purpose of this Experiment is to look into what this Fantasy World of 'Everything is Okay' looks like?
This is best done in a Team, either in pairs or groups of 3. Close your eyes and look into this wish, this hope, that you will finally get there, wherever "there" is. Tell your team and go into this place. Paint a picture for your Team; how are you in a world when you are finally "okay?" How do you relate to the world? How do others relate to you now that everything is "okay?"
Nobody will ever blame me, I will always do the right thing at the right time. How does it go for you? How does it go in this Fantasy World?After completing this experiment, please register the Matrix Code FANTASYW.02 in your free account at This experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code FANTASYW.03
In your first meeting with your 3cell, start preparing yourselves to make the journey into the shadow world, or the parts of yourself that have been suppressed or repressed or ignored or confused and kept out of your awareness.
Arrange so that one person at a time goes (and you get to go first!) The other two people hold space.
The main part of this exercise is to choose three of the list of Fantasy Worlds you identified in the first Experiment. Navigate back to the point in your life when you initiated or made a deal with this Fantasy World.
You can imagine this Fanatsy World like a vampiric cloud that gets its existence from your Belief. When you believe in the Fantasy World, it takes some of your energy and that is how it stays alive.
So, for example, if the Fantasy World is that the good, strong, noble, Handsome Man will ride up on a white horse and rescue the damsel and take her off to a life and luxury and pleasure and power on the castle on the hill for ever with a cherry on top and lots of whipped cream, then you will notice the subtle ways thisFantasy World sucks your life force. In what ways are you giving your center to this Fantasy?
The original purpose to journey into your shadow world to find the original contract you made with this Fantasy World. Find out why you did it, locate which part of reality you got disconnected from when you took on the cloud-like fantasy parasite in your life.
After completing this experiment, please enter the Matrix Code FANTASYW.04 in your free account at This experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code FANTASYW.04
You may hear yourself say this quite often: 'I want to be connected with you'. Just in that sentence, you live in a Fantasy World. You think you know what connection means, you think that other people agree with you about what connection means, that they have the same definition. Most importantly, you live in a Fantasy World that you are not already connected with other people and that they are not connected with you.
Read the Evolution of Relating website. Each step in the evolution of relating is a different quality of connection and intimacy. Keep you Beep! Book on hand as you answer the following questions.
Be radically honest with yourself about what you mean, right now with "I want to connect with you." What do you mean? What do you want?
What are the unmet needs of each of your 5 Bodies and Ego States? Which I is speaking right now?
After you have listed those unmet needs, you might start getting a clearer picture of the Fantasy World of connection that you live in. Are you trying to force other people to meet you in your Fantasy World of connection? Or you have been trying to manipulate people to fulfill your unmet needs, instead of saying would you hold my hand, read me a story, drink some tea with me, instead of saying what it is you really want?
For the continuation of the Experiment, for an entire week, pay attention to when your Fantasy World of connection is at work, driving you crazy, probably triggered by your unmet needs.
A bonus Experiment is to notice, to pay attention to other people's fantasy worlds of relating, trying to manipulate you to fulfill your unmet needs. And consider saying: I am not available for being manipulated, what do you really want? Can you say what you want?
After completing this experiment, please register the Matrix Code FANTASYW.04 in your free account at This experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code FANTASYW.05
For the next 10 days, focus your Self Observation on the stories, criticisms, judgments, jealousies, outrage, not okay-ness stories in your mind that come up for you about other people who seem to be successfully living in Fantasy World. For example, you see a business man who lives in the Fantasy World that he is successful or rich. Or you may see a professor or a teacher that has written a book that they wholeheartedly believe has made them important and famous.
Identify your Fantasy World about their Fantasy World. Part of your Fantasy World is that you might want to be like them, or you may scorn them and might not want to be like them at all. The way to identify your fantasy about their fantasy is to write each one down in your Beep! Book. Please note: this is an Experiment in self-observation. It is not an experiment in beating yourself up or making yourself wrong for your fantasies about their fantasies.
Write an article about something like Meta Fantasy Worlds. Make it as clear and specific with your examples. The purpose of the article is awareness expansion of the reader so that they can consider their own Fantasy Worlds.
After completing this experiment, please register the Matrix Code FANTASYW.05 in your free account at This experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code FANTASYW.06
The Experiment is this: arrange with a partner to set aside 4 hours to go to a shopping center or downtown or the streets of ordinary Pleasantville of life. Bring your video recorders and shoot 5 to 15 second long segments of a Fantasy World in action. A hint: all forms of marketing and advertising use a Fantasy World as the bait to trap you into what they are trying to sell you.
Your job is to hunt down and capture on your video camera short videos of a 100 campaigns that are trying to capture your heart and soul into their Fantasy World so you buy what they are selling.
This also includes the dentist and supposed "Edgeworkers."
For a special sort of hunting, enter the territory of new age cafe or yoga centre and examine the flyers and announcements for worktalks, talks, experiences, ayahuasca experiences where they dangle the Fantasy World before your very eyes.
Take your 5-15 videos, put them all together into one video and then let your Sword of Clarity speak. Talk about the hooks being sent out by trap you in these various Fantasy Worlds. Use at least 30% Conscious Rage. Post your video somewhere online where others will see.
After completing this experiment, please enter Martix Code FANTASYW.06 in your free account at This experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code FANTASYW.07
This Fantasy World is pervasive and omnipresent. The affect of this Fantasy World is to put you to sleep and be naive about the reality of what Human Beings are, which is a high number of different parts smashed together.
One of their parts is Being. Others are their Box, their Gremlin, their Child Ego state, Parent Ego State, Bright Principles. Each of these parts have different needs, different vocabularies, different purposes, and different Fanasy Worlds.
To fall asleep in the Fantasy World that people are good or that the Part of the person you're speaking to is their whole self makes you completely available for abuse, betrayal and revenge. And you wonder why this keeps happening to you?
This Experiment is to spend one we increasing your Conscious Fear about this clarity of 'people have parts' so that you can begin to discern which part of them is talking to you. Do not make the assumption that the part of them that is speaking is their whole self. Use your Scanner to scan for hidden motivations and purposes. Remember that most people have at least 20 parts, and that most of them are contradictory.
To test your theory, dial up another part of the person that you are talking to. Find ways to talk to the different parts of the person. By navigating space into other conditions and other quality of space, where there is competition or outrage or cowardliness or revenge or sweet loving care, all these spaces, and see if you dial up another part in the other person.
After completing this experiment, please register the Matrix Code FANTASYW.07 in your free account at This experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code FANTASYW.08
Poem by Charles Bukowski
“Air and Light and Time and Space” by Charles Bukowski
”– you know, I’ve either had a family, a job,
something has always been in the
but now
I’ve sold my house, I’ve found this
place, a large studio, you should see the space and
the light.
for the first time in my life I’m going to have
a place and the time to
create.”no baby, if you’re going to create
you’re going to create whether you wor
k 16 hours a day in a coal mine
you’re going to create in a small room with 3 children
while you’re on
you’re going to create with part of your mind and your
body blown
you’re going to create blind
you’re going to create with a cat crawling up your
back while
the whole city trembles in earthquake, bombardment,
flood and, air and light and time and space
have nothing to do with it
and don’t create anything
except maybe a longer life to find
new excuses
for.~ Charles Bukowski, from The Last Night of the Earth Poems
Read this poem 5 times to different people in different situations.
each time you read it, you build a component of a detector, a Fantasy World detector. Fantasy worlds are energentic vampiric entities, notice how they suck your energey and leave you with a feeling of discontent. Hone in on that certain flavor of longing, and ask yourself each time you encounter it "What is it I really want to be doing?" Maybe it's painting, maybe it's singing, maybe you want to hop on the next flight to Kathmandu. Once you know what you really want, get rreal with yoursel. What is it that is truly stopping you from doing any of those things?
After you have completed this experiment, please enter the Matrix Code FANTASYW.08 in your free account at This experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code FANTASYW.09
This Fantasy World is pervasive and omnipresent. The affect of this Fantasy World is to put you to sleep and be naive about the reality of what Human Beings are, which is a high number of different Parts smashed together.
One of their parts is Being. Others are their Box, their Gremlin, their Child Ego state, Parent Ego State, Bright Principles. Each of these parts have different needs, different vocabularies, different purposes, and different Fanasy Worlds.
One Fantasy World that has infected Modern Culture like a virus is the fantasy that people are inherently evil. This belief allows us to treat each other horribly; everything from ignoring a homeless man on the stree to justifying genocide comes from this Fantasy World. If we truly see each other as complicated creatures with complicated parts, how could we truly hate?
This is the experiment for the week. Spend time around people you find distasteful, evil, annoying, or cruel. Practice seeing them in a different way, calling forth with your eyes other parts of them. Try to see them, even for a moment, as their mother sees them. View them with love and appreciation, or even neutrality. Take note in your Beep! Book about how it is step out of this Fantasy World.
Please note, this experiment is not an invitation into naïvité, do not fall into the Fantasy World that everyone is kind and loving and wonderful all the time. The purpose of this experiment is to get closer to reality, to see and Be With people as they actually are.
After completing the experiment, please register the Matrix Code FANTASYW.09 in your free account at This experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code FANTASYW.10
As Karl Marx once said, "Religion is the opiate of the masses." Most of us were raised with some kind of religion. Whether you have Catholic guilt or Buddhist zen, all religions create fantasy worlds in which there is a winning and a losing. When you participate in religion, you play this game, and you play to win. You exist in the Fantasy World where there is a Heaven or a Hell, where there is right and wrong, and a Higher Power you must subject yourself utterly to.
This experiment will take place with your 3cell or Possibility Team. Tell your team about your religion, the rules you had to follow to fit in. Tell them about structure of your religion, how hierarchy worked, the ecstasy and the heartbreak of giving your Authroity to an insitution so that you did not have to make hard decisions about your place in the world. Ask for feedback and reflections. How are you recreating these systems in your life even now? What old beliefs are you still hanging on to? What percentage are you still committed to this Fantasy World?
Bonus experiment: After digging through and shedding layers of your religiosity, keep scanning for these patterns in yourself. The Box loves rules and the Gremlin loves hierarchy. What else are you secretly making a religion in your life?
After completing this experiment, please register the Matrix Code FANTASYW.10 in your free account at This experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code FANTASYW.11
This experiment will require a cardboard box and a Sword of Clarity. For this experiment, choose one room in your house. Go very, very slowly, but locate 15 items that pull you into Fantasy Worlds.
It could be those pants that don't fit anymore that you keep telling yourself you'll lose weight and wear again. It could be a book that you've never read (and never will read) that was given to you by a very artsy friend that makes you feel cool to have. It could be a sweatshirt that you stole from an old boyfriend and refuse to get rid of, even after years and years.
All of these items are physical portals to Fantasy Worlds. They are talismans to take you out of the Small Now and into a world of make-believe, one where you are 20 lbs lighter or a cool artistic person or still with that old boyfriend.
This is where the cardboard box comes in. Put these fifteen items in the bag and leave them in a box outside of your house with "FREE TO A GOOD HOME." Leave it out there until everything has been taken, and if after three days there are still items, take them to a donation center. Rid yourself of the physical talismans of the Fantasy Worlds ruling your life.
After completing this experiment, please register the Matrix Code FANTASYW.11 in your free account at This experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code FANTASYW.12
Fantasy Worlds tend to go much deeper than we think. You may think that your fantasy about being a famous rock star is superficial, but these fantasies have deep roots and and far-reaching implications about who you are able to be in the real world.
For this experiment, sit down with a friend or a member of your Possibility Team. Ask them to hold a Listening Space for you and give them your Beep! Book for note-taking.
Tell one of your fantasies to your teammate. Spell it all out for them, paint a picture as to what it's like for you in this world. Who are you, how do you relate to the world, how do people relate to you? How are you successful, how are you failing? What are the energetic qualities of of this Fantasy World, how does being in it affect your different Bodies? What pressure do you create for yourself by living in this Fantasy World?
The purpose of this experiment is to encounter the insanity of the Fantasy World. You may find that once you say it out loud, it sounds ridiculous. That is because it is. You may feel shame or embarrassment having revealed the insanity of the un-reality you live in. Use this feeling as doorway for your next Emotional Healing Process.
After completing this experiment, please register the Matrix Code FANTASYW.12 in your free account at This experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code FANTASYW.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on Thank you for playing full out!